Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Google Traffic Advice

How To Increase Your Google Ranking

Many times business owners wonder why their site isn’t ranking in Google, and you have to think what is Google? Google for any particular search has millions of pages that it can rank and really only the top ten of those millions of pages are the ones that get to rank in Google. So what Google is really trying to get at is the ten most valuable, most useful, most helpful or interesting search results that will serve the searchers needs out of those millions of results. So when you are looking at search results you have to look at your pages and think are my pages better than that million, two million, ten million results that Google could serve up?
One thing that Google has been very consistent on is knowing who their customer is. Google’s customer is the searcher. They’ve been very consistent about this over time. If Google can make sure that their searchers find what they are looking for as quickly as possible, then people will keep coming back to Google to find what they are looking for. That means that Google has a big audience that they can sell ads to and they can keep making money and be a profitable company. So Google’s focus is on making sure that the customer get the most valuable and useful page that they can. So what Google has done is they have basically created this environment where people compete to be the most useful page for Google’s customer (Google’s searchers), which means that in order to win this competition - in order to be in that top ten out of these millions of pages Google could serve up - you have to be better than all of those other pages. You have to be the most unique, the most interesting, the most valuable, the most useful page out of those millions of results to rank number one.
Now Google in the past has had some trouble measuring the most useful page, but they are getting better as time goes on. Google makes hundreds of tweaks to it’s algorithm every single year and all of them have the aim of improving the way they measure quality results. So look at your pages and think:
Is this the best I can do? Is this all I can offer? Is there more that I can offer the visitors to my site to make sure that my site is more valuable, more interesting, more amazing or useful than all the other search results out there?’
Be constantly striving to improve your pages to make sure that you are competing effectively in this competitive environment that Google has set up. So always make sure that you have the best, most unique content - quality content that people are talking about and linking and sharing your site with others, and that will prove to Google that you are the best result out of those millions of pages that they can serve, and thats how you get into the first results of Google.

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